Sunday, December 17, 2006


This essay is dedicated to the life of my life, Aya.

To live in happiness and at peace with ourselves and to live to our full potential is our very purpose in life. Most of us live our days unaware that we already have within us all we need to transform our lives. Whatever age we are, whatever our present position in life, we can still find a little time and space to devote to ourselves and discover how to achieve happiness in our lives.

Many people are waiting for happiness, waiting for it to arrive at some point in the future when they think they will surely find happiness. However, happiness is not something that is to be waited for. Happiness is found here and now, in the present time, as we are right now. Yes, even with current challenges and with any testing situations in which we find ourselves, it is possible to find happiness deep within ourselves.

With our decision to be happy, we have taken the first step on a new golden path through life. Because the world is a mirror to our minds, happiness will gradually be reflected back to us more and more. When we decide to be happy we will see the world in a new joyful way. We will discover unknown delights and treasures that we previously hidden from us. We will find people respond to us in a different, more loving, positive, and cooperative way, and situations that once seemed difficult now can be seen as being an opportunity or a new chance for us. It is true to say that what we give out is reflected back in abundance.

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To feel happy and fulfilled basically we need to feel good about ourselves and to accept ourselves as the person that we are including whatever aspects of our personality we may, at this moment, perceive as being undesirable. A happy life is a balanced life, lively and vital, rich in experience, with time spent cherishing every area of our lives, consciously focusing our attention on the joyful aspects within our world, where we treat ourselves and others kindly and with compassion.

A happy life is one where our actions and thoughts stem from the deep wisdom of our inner self. We all have this natural inner sense of goodness and knowledge, this inner Wisdom (thanks Aya for differentiating to me the difference between knowledge and wisdom). When our life is guided by this inner power we will always chose paths, which are supporting and nourishing, paths that lead irrevocably to joy and happiness. We are the one with the power, even if we have never or rarely realized this. Our inner wisdom will support us in any changes we wish to make, allowing us to dissolve blockages that may be hindering us. We can tap into our extraordinary inner powers to create a balanced and rounded life with the emotions we want to feel, the health we want to enjoy and the happiness and successes we deserve.

1 comment:

a.b.aloy said...

Hi are you still in Sydney?